今天,我们要公布一个大消息!众所周知,《Conan Exiles》一直在不断发展,我们团队的开发方式也是如此。这一次有几个重要话题:
- 今天的新内容
- 新的更新架构
- 战斗通行证


自Age of Sorcery开始以来,在Age of War的大部分时间里,我们差不多每三个月发布一次章节更新。这对我们来说是一个新挑战,我们从中学到了很多东西(也发布了很多内容)。

随着《Conan Exiles》的性质和开发周期的变化,我们逐渐得出结论:大量时间投入了为每个章节设计引人入胜的新战斗通行证,但是用于其他几个开发领域效果更好。这里面包括章节内容本身,现在还包括章节中的更新,以及各种活动和奖励。
- 未来大约每六个月发布一次章节更新。
- 在每个章节中会发布较小的内容更新。
- 下一个章节没有战斗通行证。我们会把精力集中于章节更新以及期间较小的内容更新,集市会继续提供新物品和套装。当前的战斗通行证会一直有效,直到下一个时代开始。
我们制作下一个时代的工作非常顺利,不过还没确定发布时间,我们很渴望在八月跟大家分享更多信息。我们会带来一些全新的主要功能,它们在这之后的更新中还有很大的拓展潜力,并能与在Age of War中添加的现有功能很好地整合,使这个游戏世界更有生命力和凝聚力。
- On taking fatal damage, followers (excluding golems) will no longer immediately die! They will instead fall to the ground and begin to bleed out. Their health bar will turn gray and deplete over time.
- Interacting with allied followers that are bleeding out will perform a rallying cry that revives them and allows them to return to the battle. If you do not revive them before they bleed out, the follower will die.
- Pressing interact will cause revived followers to return to their previous behavior
- Holding interact will cause revived followers to follow you when they are revived
- If you take damage while performing a rallying cry, the action is interrupted and must be started again.
- Rallying cries will revive all followers in a 15 meter radius around the revive target
- Damage taken while bleeding out will reduce the remaining bleed out Health
- Each time a follower begins bleeding out they will accrue a “Strike”
- If a follower has three strikes, they will die the next time their health is depleted.
- Strikes expire simultaneously after 15 minutes
- Expiration time is refreshed to the maximum duration when strikes are applied
- Functionality can be enabled and disabled through server settings.
Event – Bounty Hunting
Bounty Hunting has returned to the Exiled Lands and Isle of Siptah with several new improvements and rewards. Apprehend sorcerers and bring them back for a bounty – dead or alive. The Khitan Bounty Hunters have a special interest in both live specimens and sorcerous heads. Sorcerers can be found in any human camp – prepare for a fight!
New Rewards:
- Mad Prophet Armor (returning)
- Khitan Slaver – Bamboo Hat, Tunic, Wristraps, Legwraps, Footgear
- The Tiger’s Truncheon
- Dead Woman’s Tresses
- Sundered Manacles
- Blue Smoke Fireworks / Red Brocade Fireworks
- Khitan Exile’s Tribute Basin
- Additional Bounty Hunter representatives in camps.
The Bazaar
The Bazaar has received a new shipment of new items – including the Towers of Yamatai, placeables, weapons, and armors. Build your own mystical observatory with the Celestial Scholar Bundle or craft a base from the wreckage with the Barachan Castaway Bundle.
Fixes and Tweaks:
- Adjusted inconsistent stats on Gurnakhi Saddles
- Added missing Epic version entitlement for Vendhyan Katar small bundle
- Fixed issue where Lotus emblem icon does not unlock upon purchasing
General Fixes and Tweaks
- Item stacks now split successfully inside of work benches.
- Items in workbenches now display information on first interact.