今天我們要宣布一些重大消息!眾所周知,《Conan Exiles》一直持續不斷地進步,我們團隊的開發方式也是如此。我們要和大家分享幾個重要的主題:
- 今天的全新更新
- 全新的內容更新結構
- 從下一個時代開始不再使用戰鬥通行證
全新更新:賞金狩獵活動及 DBNO

潦而不倒 (Down But Not Out, DBNO) 功能來了!拜此備受期待的功能之賜,當你的奴隸健康降到最低點時,他們不會再永久死亡。他們會進入倒地狀態,在這期間你可以復活他們。但是要當心,如果你的奴隸在一定的時間內倒地三次,就會永遠死亡。務必讓他們遠避禍端,等待這些「攻擊次數」消失。


隨著《Conan Exiles》和它的發展週期演變,我們漸漸得到一個結論:與其花時間為每一章設計一個全新且具吸引力的戰鬥通行證,不如將這些時間投入在其他幾個開發領域。這些領域包括章節內容本身,現在還有章節之間的更新,各種活動和獎勵。
- 未來的章節更新將會約六個月發布一次。
- 章節之間將會發布小型更新。
- 下一個時代不會有戰鬥通行證。我們會把焦點放在章節內容以及章節之間發表的小型內容更新,市場也會繼續推出新的物品和套裝。目前的戰鬥通行證仍然有效,直到下一個時代開始為止。
- On taking fatal damage, followers (excluding golems) will no longer immediately die! They will instead fall to the ground and begin to bleed out. Their health bar will turn gray and deplete over time.
- Interacting with allied followers that are bleeding out will perform a rallying cry that revives them and allows them to return to the battle. If you do not revive them before they bleed out, the follower will die.
- Pressing interact will cause revived followers to return to their previous behavior
- Holding interact will cause revived followers to follow you when they are revived
- If you take damage while performing a rallying cry, the action is interrupted and must be started again.
- Rallying cries will revive all followers in a 15 meter radius around the revive target
- Damage taken while bleeding out will reduce the remaining bleed out Health
- Each time a follower begins bleeding out they will accrue a “Strike”
- If a follower has three strikes, they will die the next time their health is depleted.
- Strikes expire simultaneously after 15 minutes
- Expiration time is refreshed to the maximum duration when strikes are applied
- Functionality can be enabled and disabled through server settings.
Event – Bounty Hunting
Bounty Hunting has returned to the Exiled Lands and Isle of Siptah with several new improvements and rewards. Apprehend sorcerers and bring them back for a bounty – dead or alive. The Khitan Bounty Hunters have a special interest in both live specimens and sorcerous heads. Sorcerers can be found in any human camp – prepare for a fight!
New Rewards:
- Mad Prophet Armor (returning)
- Khitan Slaver – Bamboo Hat, Tunic, Wristraps, Legwraps, Footgear
- The Tiger’s Truncheon
- Dead Woman’s Tresses
- Sundered Manacles
- Blue Smoke Fireworks / Red Brocade Fireworks
- Khitan Exile’s Tribute Basin
- Additional Bounty Hunter representatives in camps.
The Bazaar
The Bazaar has received a new shipment of new items – including the Towers of Yamatai, placeables, weapons, and armors. Build your own mystical observatory with the Celestial Scholar Bundle or craft a base from the wreckage with the Barachan Castaway Bundle.
Fixes and Tweaks:
- Adjusted inconsistent stats on Gurnakhi Saddles
- Added missing Epic version entitlement for Vendhyan Katar small bundle
- Fixed issue where Lotus emblem icon does not unlock upon purchasing
General Fixes and Tweaks
- Item stacks now split successfully inside of work benches.
- Items in workbenches now display information on first interact.