Update 2.4 is now available for testing on Testlive!
Greetings, Exiles of the Testlive lands!
As we steadily advance towards the full launch of Isle of Siptah, we’re now ready to give you an early taste of our upcoming new content drop. Update 2.4 will expand the available land mass on Siptah to the South, with three new biomes full of new sights, adventures and dangers for experienced Siptah players and newcomers alike.
On the east side, the savannah, a massive open area hosting rich wildlife and the ruins of an old capital of the Grey Ones, with a secret lurking within its confines. On the west side, the ashlands, the soot-covered volcanic grounds once inhabited by the First Men and now only hosting the remnants of this once-proud civilization. And in the center, the floodlands, an in-between area with tall cliff formations and lush and overgrown plains that will be prime locations for builders and adventurers alike.
These new lands continue the work established in our previous update, adding to the Isle of Siptah 47 new NPC camps of varying sizes with repeatable activities, trainers and surprises.
To couple the release of these new biomes, we have also worked on a series of optimizations and improvements to the lighting and skyboxes of Siptah, to make these new landmasses shine like never before on Conan Exiles!
Another new addition coming with this update is a new religion! Zath the Spider-God joins the pool of available religions in Conan Exiles both on the Exiled Lands and the Isle of Siptah. Summon Zath and a swarm of its children to bring terror and destruction to your enemies! New NPCs, placeables and items have been added to the game for those who chose Zath as their deity.
New with this update is also our new Character Transfer feature! With these new options you can now transfer your character between Official servers, between unofficial servers, or from an Official server to an unofficial server keeping your name and appearance, level and all items in your backpack. Even between the Exiled Lands and Isle of Siptah! (Please note: This is currently a W.I.P. feature and it’s not fully implemented in this initial Testlive build – we are still testing the feature so please use at your own discretion. To transfer to or from the Isle of Siptah, ownership of the DLC Expansion pack is required)
Along with these new additions, we have also worked on a series of oft-requested improvements and rebalancing aimed at PVP combat as well as other systems. Tons of new performance optimizations, a myriad of animation improvements and many UI and quality of life additions, along with many other fixes, complete this package. Update 2.4 is one of the most ambition content updates we have released to date, and we can’t wait to let you try this early build. If you do, please share your feedback with us and report any issues you might have!
You can read the full patchnotes for Testlive in our forums, where we also detail how to download and join this testing build.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay safe!

Three new biomes for the Isle of Siptah!

The savannah, the ashlands and the floodlands are now available in the Isle of Siptah! These three new biomes are populated by dozens of new NPC camps, two new factions (The Grey Ones and The First Men), new activities and new loot!
Improved lighting and skyboxes on the Isle of Siptah!
New lighting effects and improved colors, along with many optimizations, have been added to the Isle of Siptah skyboxes, to make your adventures through the new biomes truly memorable! The difference is… night and day!
New religion!
Here comes Zath, mighty Zath! Destroys whatever with an avatar wrath. Spins a web any size. Catches foes, in Conan Exiles. Look out! Here comes the Spider-god!
(Along with new item sets, placeables, NPCs and tons and tons of little critters).
Core system changes!
New revisions to combat systems with a reduction of mounted combat damage, dodge improvements and re-balancing of bows and arrows! Swimming does not drain stamina and you can engage in 1-handed combat on water! And the hunger and thirst systems have received a balance pass to make them less frustrating and improve the gameplay flow!
Server Character Transfer! (W.I.P.)
You can now transfer your character between Official servers, between unofficial servers, or from an Official server to an unofficial one (Note: Unofficial servers can opt in or out of this feature!). You’ll keep your name, appearance, level, feats and backpack inventory while leaving everything else behind. Even within Exiled Lands servers, or from/to Siptah!
(Please note: This is currently a W.I.P. feature and it’s not fully implemented in this initial Testlive build – we are still testing the feature so please use at your own discretion. To transfer to or from the Isle of Siptah, ownership of the DLC Expansion pack is required)