ItemStatModification Table Primer - Character stats

About this primer

This primer will inform you of how the armor bonuses work and what character stats stats can be altered, including the base attributes of the player as well as temperature modifiers.


An important thing to know is that the last four entries in the Item-Table do not actually grant the bonuses. These entries are only there to show the text written in them when looking at the item in an inventory. However - it is best practice to include these, as it will inform the players about the actual bonuses on the armors.

ItemStatModification Table

This is the table that actually assigns all the correct stats to the item.

Armors, Warpaints and weapons can be affected by this table - although the effects of a weapon will only take effect while it is actually drawn (as opposed to merely equipped in the hotbar).

As you can see in the image to the right, it's possible to add as many modifications as you like to any single piece of armor, or weapon or warpaint.

In order to add a bonus, you will need to know the Template ID for the affected piece of equipment (this is the Template ID from the Item-Table) as well as the Stat Enum ID for the stat you want to modify and also if the stat is an Int-stat or Float-stat (more about that below).

You will also want to consider if you want to Add or Multiply the bonus.

Add or Multiply?

When you first create a new stat, it will default to "Multiply" - which is in most cases not what you want.

In the example image above, you can see that the first modifier is a Float-stat modification to Stat Enum 13 and the modification value is "-1.0". This means granting a -1 modifier to temperature.

In the case of the second modification, it's an INT modification that affects Stat Enum 16 (Encumberance) and adds a modification value of "1" to it, thus increasing Encumberance by 1.

There are cases, however, where you may want to multiply the value for some reason. Let's give some examples.

Example 1: A sword named "Inconspicuous Slaughter" that appears to only do 1 damage when glancing at the item information in the inventory, but when equipped, the damage is actually multiplied a hundred-fold.

Example 2: A helmet item named "Crown of Liches" that, when worn quadruples your hitpoints but removes all your stamina.

With that out of the way, let's look at Int stats and Float stats.

INT-Stats and Float-Stats

Some stats are Int stats while others are Floats (INTegers are numbers without decimals). The list below contains all the Int-Stats and Float-stats available to the player

INT Stats

HealthMax = 0
HealthCurrent = 1
FeatPointsUsed = 2
FeatPointsTotal = 3
Level = 4
StaminaCurrent = 5
StaminaMax = 6
ConsciousnessCurrent = 7
ConsciousnessMax = 8
ThrallID = 9
ThrallTier = 10
Gender = 11
KnockbackDefense = 12
Faction = 13
AttributeHealth = 14
AttributeStamina = 15
AttributeEncumbrance = 16
AttributeMight = 17
AttributeAccuracy = 18 // DEPRECATED
AttributeAthleticism = 19
AttributeMetabolism = 20 // DEPRECATED
AttributeResilience = 21// DEPRECATED
ItemContainerSize = 22
HealthBarStyle = 23
EnduranceCurrent = 24
EnduranceMax = 25
StaggerResistance = 26
AttributeLeadership = 27
AttributeSummoning = 28
AttributeAbberation = 29
AttributeScourge = 30
IdleEmote = 31

Float Stats

ThrallCraftingSpeed = 0
ThrallCraftingCost = 1
ThrallCraftingFuel = 2
ThrallEntertainerPotency = 3
DamageModifierMelee = 4
DamageModifierRanged = 5
NaturalArmor = 6
ThrallCorruptionCleansePotency = 7
ThrallCorruptionCleanseLimit = 8
Armor = 9
EncumbranceWeight = 10 // used to set thrall item weight
KilledXPModifier = 11
CurrentEncumbrance = 12
TemperatureModification = 13
PenisScaleModifier = 14
KnockbackFragilityDR = 15// Diminishing returns - current value of fragility decreased every attack increased every second
KnockbackThresholdDR = 16// Diminishing returns - threshold for KnockbackFragilityDR below this level knockback will not work (character is immune)
BuildingDamageMultiplier = 17 // Used as a multiplier when character does damage to a building. Only used if the value is > 0.
CreatureDamageUI = 18 // The damage number displayer in the UI.
CreaturePenetrationUI = 19// The penetration number displayer in the UI.
EnduranceDamageResistance = 20
StaggerSpeedReduction = 21
HeatInsulation = 22
ColdInsulation = 23
MaxCorruptionIncrease = 24 // added to the base 1000.0 max corruption
MinimumCorruption = 25 // current corruption cannot drop below this amount
ResistDancerCorruptionHeal = 26// 0 = no change 1 = corruption is not healed by dancer
BonusStrWeaponDmg = 27
BonusAgiWeaponDmg = 28
BonusCarryCapacity = 29
BonusFollowerDamage = 30
BonusConcussiveDamage = 31
CorruptionRequirementReduction = 32
BonusSummonLifespan = 33
BonusSummonHealth = 34
BonusCorruptionDamage = 35
BonusCarryWeight = 36
StabilityLossMultiplier = 37 // Multiplies the stability lost by the attach cost of sockets - Default should be 1.f no stability loss would require 0.f