

Creating an NPC

Creating attacks

NPCs emotes

Spawning NPCs from an actor with an unreliable lifespan - NPCSpawnProxy

Creating a new Thrall type

Creating a Pet

Thralls/Pets progression system

Controlling an NPC's movement speed

Controlling an NPC's Behavior with Dynamic Behavior Subtrees

Game systems

Journey System


Creating Buffs

Creating a placeable

Creating a Crafting Station


Building piece basics

New Building Upgrade System

Spellcasting Implementation

Ritual Implementation

UI - CraftingGUI/Inventory Panels

Taverns and Patrons


Using the BaseSpawner system

Smart Objects

Using the Smart Object system

Custom Console Commands

Blutilities w/ Example

Editor Tips and Tricks

Modding related systems

Mod Controller basics

Data Table Merging Operations

String Enums

Custom utility functions

Gameplay Tags Primer

Choose which assets to cook as part of your mod

Cross-mod functionality

Map related systems

Multimap Functionality

Map Design Best Practices

Making a Camp

Optimization Procedures

Creating a new Resource Node

Tables information

Item Table Primer

Recipes Table Primer

Feat Table Primer

Weighted Tables Primer

Loot Table Primer

ItemStatModification Table Primer - Character stats

Weapon and Combo Tables

Text Primer (Unreal, Word, Excel, Notepad)

Data Table Testing

Art Guides

Icon Creation Helper

Setting up child Animation Blueprints

Armor and Clothing modelling Primer

Armor Concept guidelines - Conan Exiles

Armor Modelling - Conan Exiles

Armor Sculpt Case Study

Armor Textures - Conan Exiles

Armor Skinning - Conan Exiles

Armor Set-Up in Unreal - Conan Exiles

Hair texture creation with Fibermesh (Zbrush)

Hair modeling & cards

DS - Six Axis Decal Spawns

DS - Decal Spawns on NPC and Players

BHS - Texture Pipeline

BHS - Material Workflow

BHS - Particle System Overview

Audio Guides

Impact sounds on materials Primer



Radial Menu


If you feel like you’d like some more explanations or guides on some specific game systems, or some new features to empower you to make better mods, please have a look at the Trello modding feature suggestion board .