Dev blog #6 – Building a village

By the dev team | January 6, 2017

The Exiles Lands is a harsh, unforgiving place, where the meek get crushed under the sandaled feet of the powerful. In order to survive you’ll need weapons to defend yourself, food and drink to keep your body sustained, and a home to keep the deadly sandstorms and creatures at bay. After securing your most basic…

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dev blog #5 – The brutal combat of Conan Exiles

By the dev team | December 28, 2016

With wood, stone, iron or steel in hand you must defeat your enemies. If you fail, you will be the one ripped to shreds by their claws, teeth or weapons of war. Mastering combat will be the key to your survival and domination of the Exiled Lands. An arsenal of weapons Your first task will…

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The music of Conan Exiles – Knut Avenstroup Haugen returns

By the dev team | December 22, 2016

One of the most frequent questions we get from the community is about the music in Conan Exiles. More specifically you want to know if we’ll be reusing tracks from Age of Conan and whether or not Knut Avenstroup Haugen will return to compose original music for our upcoming survival game. Today we have some…

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See Conan Exiles’ thrall system for the first time

By the dev team | December 20, 2016

By Crom, it’s Monday! Hopefully the coming week will treat you well, but in order to kick it off correctly, why not watch the archived version of our Friday live stream? You can find it on or on YouTube, if that’s what you prefer. Our second developer stream focused on Conan Exiles’ mid-tier experience.…

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By the dev team | December 15, 2016

Dear exiles, Today we are very excited to announce that we are working on a new Conan Exiles digital comic book with Dark Horse Comics to be released in January.  Fans will get a unique glimpse into the events that take place in the savage Exiled Lands. The creative team behind the comic book includes Michael…

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dev blog #4 – Can you survive in Conan Exiles?

By the dev team | December 8, 2016

A dry wind sweeps across the desert, stinging your eyes as you stare off into the distance. Crucified, condemned and alone, there is nothing left, except to wait for the vultures and death… Before you succumb to the darkness you see the outline of a tall figure. Conan the Barbarian stands before you. He puts…

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