Dev Blog #14: Updates so far in Conan Exiles
It has been an exciting ride so far, since we started Conan Exiles Early Access just two months ago! It is great to see how many people have played and enjoyed our game. We would like to thank everyone in the community for joining us and helping us discover bugs and exploits and suggesting improvements…
Read MoreUpdate 24: Explore the all new dungeon – The Dregs!
The Exiled Lands are filled with dark caves and mysterious ruins, but now you get a brand-new dungeon to challenge your adventuring urges! A massive and ancient aqueduct leads water from the mountains down to the Unnamed city. A vast sewer system was built to carry the city’s refuge and waste into the southern river…
Read MoreJoin the Exploit Hunters!
Throughout Early Access we would like to reward our community for bringing big exploits to our attention. One of the most important things we can do to make sure Conan Exiles provides a fair and balanced playing field is making sure we eliminate exploits as early as possible. By working together we can more easily…
Read MoreUpdate 23: Dominate with the Trebuchet!
Last week we added the dye system to Conan Exiles, letting you color of your clothes and armor to create your own look, and soon you can explore an all new and brutal dungeon in the sewers beneath the Unnamed city. But this week we are introducing the powerful trebuchet siege weapon so you can…
Read MoreUpdate 22: Dye system and weapon balances
Dear exiles, This week we are adding a new system to the game, one we’ve been talking about for a little while now: the dye system. With the dye system players can color and customize their armors and outfits in the game to add their own flair. We know this is especially important for players…
Read MorePAX East community meetup
It’s been a month since we launched Conan Exiles in Early Access and we are still continuously working on bug fixes, patches and content updates for our latest and greatest game. Some of our staff are currently at GDC, offering people a glimpse at some of the cool things coming to Conan Exiles in the…
Read MoreA look at things to come
Dear exiles Conan Exiles has been a massive success for Funcom, selling over 480 000 copies in the first 30 days, and staying as #1 on Steam’s Global Top Seller list for over two weeks. We really couldn’t have done it without our fantastic community of fans and players giving us feedback, providing us with…
Read MoreDev Blog #13: Make your own mods in Conan Exiles
Want to put your own mark on Conan Exiles? Create your own content or make changes to existing features? Well now you have the chance with the Conan Exiles Dev Kit. You can already choose your own experience in Conan Exiles through a host of different server settings, but now you have the opportunity to…
Read MoreAnnouncing our new European server partner
Dear exiles, Today we are very happy to announce that Funcom has partnered with to host the official Conan Exiles servers in Europe. is one of Europe’s leading game hosting companies, founded by OCIRIS GmbH in 2003. Their hosting web application is developed completely in-house and offers customers a unique service with real time information, instant…
Read MoreGDC, PAX and mod support announced
Conan Exiles launched successfully into PC Early Access last week. The game has been dominating the #1 spot on Steam’s Global Top Seller List and Funcom is both thrilled and grateful to be able to share that the game sold 320,000 units first week and that all development costs have been recouped. Looking ahead, Funcom is…
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