Early Access Phase #2: Letter from the Creative Director
With the release of The Frozen North, and there are major changes to the game itself, across the board. I believe the accumulation of these changes, along with the updates we’ve made since launch, provides a new and different Conan Exiles than the game we launched at the beginning of Early Access. Today we also…
Read MoreFuncom community night at Gamescom
The Funcom community team is travelling to Cologne in two weeks to attend Gamescom, and we would like all our fans who are in town to join us for what we hope will be a great party. Save the date, August 22nd, and join us at 7pm CEST at Roonburg, Roonstraße 33, 50674 Köln. No…
Read MoreDev Blog #15: The Frozen North!
On August 16th, snowy mountains and misty valleys beckon as we invite you to join us in The Frozen North. Today we are excited to tell you more about this upcoming free expansion update! The Frozen North is massively expanding Conan Exiles, with huge new areas to explore, hundreds of new items to craft, many…
Read MoreUpdate 28 – Climbing and Exploration System
Another update is here and now you can climb to your hearts content! Climbing System Today we are introducing the brand new climbing system to Conan Exiles. You can climb almost anywhere in the game, so feel free to climb up mountain sides, ruins, walls or trees. Just hit space when you reach a steep…
Read MoreCommunity Spotlight 9
Greetings! Welcome! Glad you’re here! We’ve got a brand new spotlight for you all. Like usual, this is where we showcase things our players have created. This ranges from artwork, to mods, to buildings, and more. We hope you enjoy reading about them, as much as we love finding them. Life is PvP This week’s…
Read MoreUpdate on Unreal 4.15 and climbing patch
Dear Exiles, The last 3-4 weeks our engine team has been hard at work moving Conan Exiles from one version of Unreal Engine to a newer, more updated version. During this time our game coders have continue fixing exploits and bugs, so we are still rolling out hotfixes while the engine updates are happening in…
Dear Exiles, Surprise: We’re on sale! The annual Steam summer sale has kicked off and Conan Exiles is cheaper than ever. Starting today Conan Exiles is 33% off until July 5th, when the sale ends. Alongside the sale we’re also doing another partial wipe on the official servers (already announced earlier today). Buildings and inventories…
Read MoreCommunity Spotlight 8
Hail and well met! Welcome to this week’s community spotlight where we feature creations that you make and share! These include art, videos, screenshots, ideas, mods, and more. We’re always on the search for what the community will make next and look forward to sharing them with you all. Let’s take a look at this…
Read MoreFree expansion!
Dear Exiles, On August 16th we are also introducing a brand new and free expansion! The game world is expanded by roughly 50% as a whole new area is added to the Exiled Lands. The expansion is completely free for everyone who has bought Conan Exiles and is included in the game at no extra…
Read MoreCommunity spotlight 7
Once again we bid you welcome to the Conan Exiles community spotlight! This is where we look at some of the fun and creative things that have been happening in the Conan Exiles community. Awesome mods, cool builds and funny videos and streams, they all belong here. Without further ado, here’s this week’s spotlight. Elevators…
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